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Cooperation between ADO Den Haag and Ormer ICT as of 2023

ADO Den Haag is switching to a new ticketing software supplier with effect from the new calendar year. With its ticketing platform Tymes4, this new supplier, Ormer ICT, offers extensive possibilities around ticketing for professional football organisations. Besides a new online environment where fans can buy season and day tickets, business supporters will also get a portal through which they can access their business tickets (and from which they can invite their guests).

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Ormer ICT gives renewed Vitesse.nl extra shine with ticketing platform Tymes4 

On 1 July 2022, Vitesse will not only unveil a new club website, but will also switch to a brand new ticketing environment called Tymes4. Thanks to a five-year partnership with Ormer ICT, the next steps can also be taken in the field of ticketing and online service, providing supporters and business club members with even better service.

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Partnership Ormer ICT & Ticketpoint

With its ticketing platform Tymes4, Ormer ICT offers software as a service specifically aimed at the requirements of professional football organisations. It therefore considers it important that the platform is available to all professional clubs. Also the clubs that don’t have the capacity to set up the versatile ticketing software Tymes4 as they wish. Thanks to a partnership with Ticketpoint, smaller clubs can now also use all the great features that Tymes4 offers.

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FC Utrecht switches to Tymes4

The decision is made! As from the 2022-2023 season, Ormer ICT will take care of FC Utrecht’s official ticketing platform. Parties will enter into a five-year cooperation. In the coming months, a new online ticketshop will be realised which, at the back end, will be linked to various platforms within FC Utrecht’s infrastructure. Think of CRM and accounting package. A business portal will also be developed that gives business relations access to their tickets and from where they can invite their guests.

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N.E.C. goes for digitalisation and chooses Tymes4 

N.E.C. supporters will soon see a different online environment when they purchase their match tickets. Earlier this week, N.E.C. and Ormer ICT signed a cooperation agreement for the delivery of the Tymes4 ticketing platform. This will create a new online ticketshop for supporters and give business contacts access to an online portal to manage their tickets and invite guests.

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